My UIs

Well I redid my UIs this weekend. Thought I’d share them with the few people that read this blog…

Priest (the ugly green boxes aren’t actually there… that’s just where my class timer bars for target and focus are):


Rogue UI (class timer bar – one bar version – is under the action bar below my character):


The Lost Patch

With all the buzz about patch 3.10 we, well I, sorta forgot all about the lil patch in between .08 and .1… oopsie

So far the only priest change listed is the long hoped for time increase to Inner Fire (30 min duration – up from 10!)

In 3.09 Rogues have quite a few changes though…

HFB – damage increasing from 3% to 5% per stack (guess we know why it jumps to 15% in a single stack in 3.10 now don’t we?)

Mind Numbing Poison changed from 60% reduced cast time to 30%. (meh… who cares?)

Mutilate damage bonus on poisoned target going down from 50% to 20% (my priest thanks you blizzard… now I may have a fighting chance once the all too long stun sequence is complete – hey at least I can get a heal off or something)

Slice and Dice – increased attack speed up from 30% to 40%. (This is a good across the board change for rogues that should help us struggle a little less on recount)

I Like Knives

I’d like to semi-retract what I’ve said about FoKs (for those of you that don’t speak rogue… FoK = Fan of Knives) in the past. It sucks less than I previously thought. It’s very handy on pulls of 3+ mobs – provided there aren’t casters straggling outside of the 8-yard range. The damage from FoKs is nice and the regen ability of the combat tree makes using the skill very appealing. IOW you can’t spam it… but you can use it more than once every six seconds after your initial two or three uses.

It still costs WAY too much energy IMO and it’s a very short range…

The range is less troublesome as its possible to use it and still not break any CCs that may be bleating about. I know… who uses CC anymore??! Well, if you do a lot of unsteady PUG heroics – YOU MIGHT.

The energy cost is what I’d really like to see reduced. I’m only thinking of my Subtlety friends out there without the regen abilities of combat rogue of course… srsly though… 50e abilities suck.

Anyhow… it’s a good little AoE ability for a class that really hasn’t had one since they nerfed BF. Don’t believe me? Head to a heroic CoS and try it out for yourself!


p.s. AR + FoK = 15 secs of pure death… when’s that patch coming out? O THAT’S SOMETHING… imagine the decreased CD on AR + FoKs for clearing trash in raids (or heroics)… combat = moooovin’ on up (again). OFC boss DPS is still where it’s at in raids… so we’ll see how our sneaky friends fare in 3.10 (my priest will be praying for y’all).

Rogue 3.1

* Hunger for Blood – instead of a self-buff; this ability can only be used when there is a bleed effect on the target. However, it has no stacks and grants a 15% damage bonus.   

The old HfB increased damage by 3% and stacked 3 times (at 30e a pop). (plus a bleed effect remover thingy)

OK HFB probably costs too much energy for three stacks and stacking on skills like this is just plain annoying (read – stupid). So, taking away stacks is good. But do mut rogues really NEED another 6% damage on top of the 9% already granted by three stacks?!? I don’t think so. Though I speak not from experience – only from combat jealousy. BUFF US PLZ?

p.s. please note it doesn’t specify (yet) that the bleed effect has to be the rogue’s to use this…

* Adrenaline Rush – the cooldown on this ability has been lowered.    

Speaking of combat buffs… /yay! /dance

Now I wonder, is the AR glyph being modified?

* Lightning Reflexes – reduced to 3 ranks. In addition to 2/4/6% dodge, this talent now also grants 4/7/10% passive melee haste.    

This is good… except now I have to figure out how to fit it into my spec >< /sigh I had it all worked out w/no partial talents! *grumble* /emo

* Killing Spree – while this ability is active, the rogue does 20% additional damage.    




* Savage Combat – now causes 2/4% physical damage done.    

OK so is this replacing the current increase to physical damage on poisoned mobs? Do they still need to be poisoned? Or is this also replacing the AP buff (sad panda)?

* Mace Specialization – this talent now grants haste in addition to armor penetration.

Well they are trying to get us 4 viable weapon class options… (p.s. rogue really shouldn’t be using maces anyway if you want to get all RP about it…)

All and all it looks like we are getting some love… but will it be enough to keep combat competitive in the end game? It doesn’t seem like it TBH (at least not yet), but at least we’re on the path now.